I used to have a form here but it kept getting targeted by spammers looking for yet another way of sending spam. They did not succeed but it was a pain in the ass to manage the sewage overflow from their attempts.

So, you can try reaching me one of the following ways:

  • e–mail: contact@epcostello.net. Yep, that’s right, it’s a naked email address stuck out there in the wild.
  • Skype: epcostello
  • Twitter: epc

I have my various filters set to the most drastic, shooting-self-in-foot level possible. If I don’t reply to your email it’s just as likely that I never saw it as that I have no intention of replying to you.

Slightly acerbic and eccentric dog walker who masquerades as a web developer and occasional CTO.

Spent five years running the technology side of the circus known as www.ibm.com.

More about me here.