Ed Costello thinks that search engines need to learn about antecedents so that Ed Costello does not need to write about himself in the third person.
Ed Costello was born
in the Chicago, IL area three months after the release of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
and grew up in the Chicago suburbs of Naperville and Downers Grove.
Ed Costello
attended Allegheny College in Meadville, PA and
Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, PA.
After a decent but not stellar education,
Ed Costello
went to work as a technical writer for IBM in Poughkeepsie, NY.
Ed Costello
wrote books for a few years, kept his head above water, and went on to become IBM’s
first Corporate Webmaster, managing www.ibm.com and a variety of other web sites for IBM from 1994 through 1999.
It was sort of a CTO position for ibm.com, without the “C” part or the “O” pay but all of the responsibilities and hassles.
Ed Costello
went on to manage the Sydney Olympic Games web site from 1999 through 2000.
Ed Costello left IBM in 2001 upon learning that the DOCTYPE he had specified for www.ibm.com had been wrong for many years, obviously marking him as an invalid webmaster.
Since 2001, he has worked as a part time consultant focusing on web technologies for small to medium organizations in the New York City metropolitan area.
Ed Costello spends his days either walking his dogs Frisket and Sailor or rewriting this page.
Ed Costello has a tendency for self-deprecating autobiographical statements which are not at all funny and which most reasonable people mistake for fact.
About my site
I have had an online presence since at least 1989. This means that if you try hard enough, or know enough of my past identities, you will likely find something that is embarrassing, that offends, that you disagree with, or that you find to be incredibly stupid. Once you know what to look, for, I am certain that you will agree.
I have had a personal web page of one sort or another online since 1994. This site is perhaps the fifth incarnation of a personal site for me. As such, it is a mix of valid and invalid HTML, XML, XHTML, and whatever comes along next. I try to keep it technically clean, but I do not obsess about it.
I do not go back and edit content to fit my current perspective, so it is possible, even likely, that there are things on this site which I have written and no longer agree with, would rewrite, or just delete. Since it lives on in caches, archives, and various other places, I do not see a need to purge it here.
I do not owe you anything. You do not owe me anything. If you like what I have written, great, if not, that is unfortunate, but I do not care.
This site is hosted at Pair Networks, and runs on a mix of PHP, Perl, and MovableType with a sprinkling of MySQL. Editing is typically done using MicroEmacs. I also use SftpDrive to mount Unix filesystems as Windows drives. I'm platform agnostic, switching regularly between Windows on an IBM brand Lenovo Thinkpad x61 and a Mac Mini.
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